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Our Story

At the intersection of healthcare and education, transforming support for special needs children. 


 Creating a better way to work together, built on trust and respect to reflect a positive change in the world.


Helena Wright

Helena is currently a candidate in the Master's of Educational Technology program at UBC but previously completed her degree in Modern Literature at Toronto Metropolitan University.


She focuses on learning in a corporate environment and works primarily with adult learners.


She is passionate about assistive technology because her sister has down syndrome. Her family has experience first hand the way that tools can radically improve a learning for students with disabilities or difficulties learning.

Sophy Chu

Sophy is currently finishing their Graduate Certificate in the Masters of Educational Technology program at UBC. 


They previously completed their degree in Cognitive Systems (Linguistics) and is currently working in foreign language learning in higher education.


They also work with neuro-divergent youths on the autism spectrum and is passionate about supporting their learning in both academic settings as well as their everyday lives. 

Collaborating with other professionals frequently reaffirms the necessity for a centralized platform for communication from all sides to comprehensively support the youths and their needs. 



Our Process

our design process and how we came up with our edtechdev tool


Both of us have experience working with special needs children and discovered the biggest challenges was the communication between different support workers on the team. 


For future development, we would like to spend more time on conducting user experience research to fully understand the different needs of each support workers. 


We conducted research on the different CRM platforms to host our app, and developed the functions that were most needed by support workers.


Moving forward, we believe the user experience research will be helpful with creating useful functions as well as adjusting the user interface in this stage.  


We built our application with the CRM platform, Odoo, modifying the available features to suit the main needs of our communication platform. 


There were many challenges in the process, especially understanding the limitations of each feature, while leveraging the strengths through alteration of the back-end structure.

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